This week I finished the last details I've been wanted to get ready.
I bought some bottles of water, and labeled them with these printables I found at
Topsy Turvy.
I also made Light Sabers using
pool noodles. I got them at the
dollar store, and cut them in half to make two Light Sabers. At the same place, I bought silver duct tape and black electrical tape, to make the handles. I cut circles with adhesive foam paper to make buttons, to have the kids putting themselves at the party.
My son decided to have cupcakes, so I made a cupcake holder stacking my two circle baking pans.
I placed black tissue paper on top of the bigger pan, and used the black tape on the sides to hold.
The smaller pan I used silver tissue paper, and silver duct tape to the side.
Then the pictures on the sides I had made a couple of weeks ago (I have the links to the printables on a previous post).
I bought a Darth Vader candle at
Party City, and it made me wanted to make my own. So I grabbed all my leftover clay to make a figurine.
After baked and cooled, I used black acrylic paint, and silver and red for buttons.
The party is a week away, hopefully it can go the way I planned.
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