Made by hands, expressed from the heart.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No School Part Two

Today we were going to the movies with our little friend Kevin, but when his mom said he's been sick all week with the flu, our plans changed to something better. There is always an opportunity to teach our kids valuable lessons, and today was the chance to show how we care about friends, how important is to be healthy, and also that we can give a gift we can make. Not necessarily they will listen to these valuable lessons, but you might as well give it a try.
So we decided to make a basket with small gifts for him to entertain himself at home, since he was missing fun activities out. We used a box and wrapped with colorful papers.
Then we wrote a "Get Well" sign with stickers in the front.
Inside the box was filled with shredded paper. And on top we put a little notebook, super hero markers, robot stickers, a book, Angry Birds gummies, and a Rice Krispie Treat (this one came with a blank part on the front label, so you can write a message in the front).
Then everything was wrapped and tied with a bow. We put a finger puppet in the tie and a note for him.
Hopefully my kids got some of the lesson, appreciate health, and show concern to friends when they need. If not, at least I had fun making the box and delivering. Kevin was still sick, but he looked happy.

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